Absence of Consciousness
/“You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness. ”
Today, I explore new ideas and ponder the crisis of the absence of consciousness. My desire for creative self expression for myself and others increases. By consciousness, I mean one’s ability to stay present, to be attentive to the moment, and act. To listen. This is not to say bounce around from idea to task. I do it with consciousness. Act on new ideas that may be old but are now appearing as new. I explore repurposing old scarves to create new fabric. I seek new ways to share my stories and techniques.
My new self publishing venture could be perceived as a new idea. I know it’s been around awhile. Virginia Woolf, Margaret Atwood, Benjamin Franklin and Walt Whitman self published. And it has gone in and out of vogue. With our world in crisis, it’s time is now. There is a oneness that collaboration via self publishing creates.
In “This Is Us” Kevin asked, “how can I know so little about my father’s life?“ Perhaps, when Kevin was younger he didn’t want to know. Perhaps his father didn’t want to tell him. These facts are true for many of us. We don’t want to share every little detail of our past. There are many creative ways to tell our story.
I am older. I am aware that time is of the essence. I have seen and accomplished much. I must not leave my legacy untouched, to be discovered in disorganized words and stories found in boxes.
Creative self expression though self publishing addresses the crisis of the absence of consciousness. We can no longer wait for others to determine if our legacy is worthy of publication. There is not enough time. There are not enough people to do that kind of editorial intervention. We are old. We are wise. If we listen, and stay conscious, we know what needs to be said and what needs to be shared. And we know that it needs to be published, now.
Back in the day, people had separate skill sets. Writers wrote. Editors edited. Publishers had access to printers with printing presses. Today, that hierarchy is challenged. A community is desired. In the digital world, those skills sets are more accessible. Writing workshops, online and in person, abound and provide editorial intervention. Digital access provides layout and printing. Collaborations occur when a writer’s creative self expression merges with digital artists. Together, they produce beautiful and timely books. In a time when a heighten sense of consciousness is necessary, collaborating with others makes self publishing an equitable and creative form of self expression. It creates oneness. Crisis averted. Be an indie publisher. Create and Artist Book now.
To learn more about famous authors who chose to self publish click below.