Sustainable Fashion


Something has to change if we are to continue to enjoy the beauty of the life we have known. The clothes we wear, the houses we live in, the food we eat, something. We can start with what clothes our body day by asking who made it, what materials were used, is it old or new? When we repurpose the past, gathered with memories, it contains predictions of what is most desired. Each time an item crosses our path we must ask, where have you been, how can I enjoy you again?

Fashion is a means of self-expression. Sustainable fashion can turn a rip into a personal piece of art that becomes uniquely yours. Because we value sustainability, repurposing is an antidote to fast fashion. It is a different way of relating to our clothes and allows us to think more about what makes clothing meaningful. 

Fashion is not something others create that we aspire to duplicate for ourselves. Fashion is what we embrace. It is the first statement we make to the world each day when we choose what to wear.

Mercedes in felt.jpg