PDF Winter Allure Retreat 23


PDF Winter Allure Retreat 23


Take a little time to discover you mission. It will make your life so much easier when trying to make decisions.

The older I get the more temptations spread across my path pulling me in too many directions. While I am into living a layered life, there is a limit on how many layers I can sustain. The Winter Allure Retreat explores the ever present questions: What do I want? What am I committed to? And, What am I willing to do?

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When I first started developing a writing practice, I learned two things: to keep writing and listen to my body. This is how we develop and strengthen our writing muscle. Over the next seven days we are going to uncover experiences from our past where our desires were met. After all, that is how we got where we are.

​For starters take your age now, add ten years and divide that number by four. You now have four areas to focus on and pay attention to details.

As you retreat into this moment let your mind become still.

Set the timer for at least ten minutes. Write about that first quarter of your life. Things you learned. Bring some of your wisdom to your writing as you reflect on what happened when you were younger and notice how it shaped you.